Sunday 2 October 2011

Expostion: The Art of Public Speaking

Discussion of Issues and Challenges
·   Has a current topic substantial knowledge of critical issues related to the topic and considerable appreciation of the challenges raised by the issues.  (5 marks)
·   Good knowledge & appreciation (4 marks)
·   Adequate knowledge & appreciation (3 marks)
·   Weak knowledge and appreciation (2 marks)
·   Little knowledge and appreciation (1 mark)
·   Not current, no knowledge  appreciation ( 0 mark)

Evaluation of the effect of source, context  and medium on the reliability of information  gathered
·   Excellent (4 marks)
·   Good (3 marks)
·   Unsatisfactory (1-2 marks)
·   No evaluation (0 mark) 

· Introduction, logical sequence of ideas and conclusion ( 3 marks)
· Two of the elements above (2 marks)
· One element (1 mark)
No organ. (0 mark)

Delivery (Audibility, fluency, eye contact, body movement, and paralinguistic features such as pauses, throat clearing, pitch etc.
·  Clear, audible voice throughout, consistently fluent & confident, excellent paralinguistic control  (4 marks)
·  Generally speaks with clear, audible voice, mostly fluent and confident, with moderate paralinguistic control (3 marks)
·  Often speaks unclearly , hardly fluent/confident, limited paralinguistic control (2 marks)
·  Generally speaks unclearly, haltingly and uncertainly, no paralinguistic control (1 mark)
·  Does not deliver (0 mark)

Total: 16 marks